Performance Paths


In partnership with SAP, 1st90 designed a 90-day learning journey to meet the evolving needs of leaders who no longer can afford to commit days, or even weeks, out of the office for learning but are willing to enthusiastically commit a few non-disruptive minutes a day for their growth and development.

The Challenge 

Delivering Learning for Busy Leaders

For more than three-quarters of a billion professionals today, over 60% of their time is occupied by tasks like the exchange of email, data gathering, and internal communications. The other 40% is spent on the completion of actual work required in their role. With all the other daily distractions; urgent customer needs; and constant organizational and strategic changes, when do professionals find time to learn and grow, especially in times of transition and career advancement, when development is needed most?

The Solution 

Learning in the Flow of Work

Instead of waiting months before leaders can attend one of SAP’s leadership academies, SAP is quickly preparing all managers by having them learn and develop manager and leaders skills via the 1st90 mobile learning performance platform. Delivering 5-10 minutes of daily learning along with SAP-specific job aids and daily activities, which are customized into the mobile app for both new and experienced managers to apply the learning with their teams.


1st90 helped me become aware of myself, emphasized elements in Leadership which are applicable to daily work and practical to use, and last but not least it gave the extra confidence boost, that I am on a right track with my team and the individuals in the team.


SAP Presales Manager, Europe region

The Results 

97% Total Net Promoter Score

88% Reported that 1st90 helped them produce measurable concrete results.

Managers’ average confidence and competence levels went from 3.8 to 4.26 on a rating scale of 1-5. This is significant to SAP because even the slightest change in a manager’s belief in their skills to lead their teams results in greater team success and cohesion, which in turn impacts positively on the overall leadership trust of SAP.


My experience with 1st90 was really enriching. The application/platform is very easy to use and with good design as well. The methodology used in the platform with several steps to be followed is an excellent way to learn on a daily basis; all the videos, links and the stories shared in the application are very illustrative. I liked the last part of every step where I could share my thoughts with all the team participating. Also, it is very interesting that you can see participant’s comments to learn from different point of views, cultures and countries.


SAP Presales Manager, South American region

Imagine doing what you learn, today

Explore our and our consulting capabilities to develop custom learning journeys that deliver business impact.